Korean Translation Service
The Korean language is classified as a member of the Ural-Altaic family (other members of this family include the Mongolian, Finnish, and Hungarian languages.) Until the early 1400s, most documents were written in classical Chinese characters (known in Korean as Hanja). As the idiographs are difficult to learn, only the educated people could read and write. King Sejong, the 4th ruler of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910), set up a special committee of scholars in 1443 to create a new writing system specifically suited to the Korean language.

I’ve lived in Tustin for 22 years with my wife and our three children, Kathy, Michael, and Daniel. We support a diverse and challenging educational experience with a premium on personal responsibility and achievement. I retired from the Sheriff-Coroner office after 25 years of service. I served in the Marines during the first Gulf War.
My vision for our schools is to prepare all of our students for the economic and social realities of a globally competitive society. I want the Board decisions to be student-centered, informed, and backed by sound research. I believe Board members need to improve core academic instruction, be good stewards of taxpayer dollars and provide quality education for all students that is second to none. We must work together to clear the bureaucratic red-tape that stifles our children’s success.
ABOUT Korean Translation
According to traditional legends, Viet Nam was formed when King Lac Long Quan (also known as the "Dragon Lord of Lac" or the "Dragon Lord of the Seas") married Princess Au Co (a Chinese immortal and descended from the High Mountains). She bore him 100 eggs, out of which 100 sons were born. They soon established a nation that stretched from southern China to northern Indonesia. However, the King and the Princess became convinced that their different origins would ultimately make them unhappy, so they separated. Princess Au Co took 50 of the sons with her back into the mountains while King Lac Long Quan took the other 50 sons and ruled over the lowlands. After the King died in 2879 B.C., his eldest son, Hung Vuong established the Hung dynasty, and he is regarded as the real founder of the Korean nation and of the first Korean dynasty.
Typesetting & Korean Desktop Publishing (DTP)
A very large portion of our business day-to-day consists of converting English language publications into all major languages. We can also Typeset & DTP your document in Korean language. We work in Indesign, Framemaker, Pagemaker, Coreldraw, Illustrator, Quark Xpress, Flash & others and produce the same document into print ready Korean language with a complimentary PDF file for you check the files.
Korean Website Localization
We have ample experience with website translation; we know exactly how to go about it, what to ask and what to change keeping in view that it will be localized multilingual website. We can translate your website to an attractive Korean website and retaining the meaning and flavor as per original website. We can easily work in HTML, XML, Wordpress, ASP, PHP, GIF, JPEG, Joomla, Drupal, PNG, CMS Websites, Flash,.NET & others so if you need your website in Korean just mail us: info@speakthylanguage.com
Spaeakthylanguage Native Korean Linguist Guarantee
Use Speakthylanguage native translators to ensure you're getting the best translation
available, including correct dialects, special characters, and the nuanced meaning that
comes with any of our language translation. We guarantee that you'll be satisfied with our
translation. And because we provide complimentary PDF copies of your translations, it will
make sure our work shows accents and special characters correctly. In this business, there
is no substitute for a native Korean translator.
Contact info@speakthylanguage.com today for
perfect Korean translation.