Punjabi Translation Service
Punjabi is a intercontinental language. Its speakers are spread all over the world. The natives of Punjab region of India and Pakistan speak this language. Basically the Punjabi is the language of Punjab. Punjabi is a language of the Indian Subcontinent spoken by Muslims in Pakistan who write it in the Arabic script , and the Sikhs and Hindus of Punjab who write it in the Gurumukhi (language of the Gurus) script . Punjabis also probably constitute the largest group amongst subcontinent immigrants to Britain and Canada. When we say Punjabi here we take it to mean the Gurumukhi script.
25,690,000 in India (1994 IMA); 43,000 in Malaysia (1993); 10,000 in Kenya (1995); 9,677 in Bangladesh (1961 census); 1,167 in Fiji ; 25,700,000 in all countries. Punjab , Haryana, Delhi , Rajasthan , Jammu and Kashmir . Also in United Arab Emirates, Singapore , United Kingdom . Gurmukhi script.

You are required to self-inject (give yourself a shot with a needle under the skin) once every 2 weeks on the day of the week assigned above by the study clinic. You should inject on the same day of the week at approximately the same time in the day for each injection. Please plan ahead.
If you are unable to self-inject, your study medication may be administered by a family member or caregiver who has been trained by study staff to perform the injection. In addition, the dose may be administered by a health care assistant or health care provider.
All unopened cartons with the study drug must be stored refrigerated (2-8⁰C or 36-46⁰F) at all times (except when you are ready to inject). Contact your study team if you have any problems with keeping the study drug refrigerated. The study drug must not be placed in a freezer.
Typesetting & Punjabi Desktop Publishing (DTP)
A very large portion of our business day-to-day consists of converting English language publications into all major languages. We can also Typeset & DTP your document in Punjabi language. We work in Indesign, Framemaker, Pagemaker, Coreldraw, Illustrator, Quark Xpress, Flash & others and produce the same document into print ready Punjabi language with a complimentary PDF file for you check the files.
Punjabi Website Localization
We have ample experience with website translation; we know exactly how to go about it, what to ask and what to change keeping in view that it will be localized multilingual website. We can translate your website to an attractive Punjabi website and retaining the meaning and flavor as per original website. We can easily work in HTML, XML, Wordpress, ASP, PHP, GIF, JPEG, Joomla, Drupal, PNG, CMS Websites, Flash,.NET & others so if you need your website in Punjabi just mail us: info@speakthylanguage.com
Spaeakthylanguage Native Punjabi Linguist Guarantee
Use Speakthylanguage native translators to ensure you're getting the best translation
available, including correct dialects, special characters, and the nuanced meaning that
comes with any of our language translation. We guarantee that you'll be satisfied with our
translation. And because we provide complimentary PDF copies of your translations, it will
make sure our work shows accents and special characters correctly. In this business, there
is no substitute for a native Punjabi translator.
Contact info@speakthylanguage.com today for
perfect Punjabi translation.